Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hello everyone!
Well, my journey has officially started!
As most of you know i am headed to Georgia for a short farming internship (3 months to be exact). Rather than driving straight there i have taken a detour to Houston, TX in order to spend some time with my dad. i arrived yesterday evening with no problems. the drive was wonderful actually. It was nice to be out of the big city, and driving through open country. Even though most of the trees have shed their leaves once I got closer to Houston i was able to enjoy the foliage of the evergreens.
Currently my dad is overseeing the construction of an incredibly enormous house. He lives on the property in a trailer which has proven to be a really great set-up.
(Pictures and more details of this will come with my next update)

There were so many times during the drive that i wanted to stop and take a picture but as you probably know when driving down an interstate each exit is about 100 miles apart. So 'stopping for a quick picture' isn't quite possible. Luckily when I spotted this little scene the exit was immediately after and the service road was two-way! It worked out wonderfully.

I'm so excited about the new camera my mom and step-dad gave me for graduation. (I'm so lucky to have such a supportive, encouraging family) I'm still trying to figure out all the cool features so the pictures may not be up to par for a little while. For example, these three pictures are a bit blurry but after reading some of the manual today, i think i've figured out the problem. We shall see!

I got up this morning (Thursday) around six-thirty after having an enjoyable nights sleep in my dads small A-frame camper. I really have got to get one of those some day. They are super efficient and so fun! Construction on the house had already begun. I grabbed a cup of coffee and made some yummy breakfast. My new favorite addition to scrambled eggs.. tomatoes!

Well, I'm off for now. Later this afternoon, if the weather allows, we are planning to go to Kemah where there is a boardwalk and the ocean! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


Anonymous said...

Yea, first blog entry of many to come so we can see your fun adventure! You go girl! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hey J! Didn't even realize you had a blog. Keep up with the photos- you know I'm obsessed! Love you tons and praying for you. Don't forget my snail mail! (I sound like the Upchurch girls!)


Unknown said...

Okay, wait a second! 6:30? Seriously? Who are you and what did you do with Janiece?

Miss you already!!! DON'T PICK UP STRANGER!