My impact on the environment has become incredibly dissatisfying. My life is a process of consuming and creating waste. It's incredibly disgusting. I long to contribute rather than deplete. I've ignored the call of the fields to live the way my body is designed for, it is both a pleasant awakening and a guilty realization.
What did the world look like before our beloved 'industrial revolution' or the oh so beneficial first and SECOND 'green revolution'! Even now I am left speechless with the world I see, how magnificent was it BEFORE our 'biological footprint' was so massive.
The vocabulary is just a distraction. I've in fact even heard fellow students say that in order to 'all come together' and make a true shift away from destruction, we must first construct a common language in order to discuss the situation. The language is already within us! Close your eyes and you will know what to do.
It's been so long since I've closed mine.
The answers are there, and they are waiting to be revealed.
We don't need to create anything more. We are only destroying anyways. Create time and you will be given a beautiful creation. And if we must create... use what we have, buy nothing more. Take advantage of those who don't want to change and receive their trash with open arms.
No more pavement is needed.
The momentum is likely not to significantly slow, but why allow that to be an excuse.
One day I will be gone and I know that my body will be happy to return to where it came from.
I just hope I'm not considered pollution.
I hope it's as easy as it feels..
is this serious or a joke?
Your passion stirs me. Although I cannot say I have considered all that you have in the natural, I am walking through the same thing in the spiritual. God has reminding me of how we were designed to live. In community. In open fields. With wide skies. And deep hearts. Hmmm...this is so timely.
I love you.
It seems like you have a positive look on the future. I wish there was some glimpse of hope for me to see.
What a BEAUTIFUL post!!! You are such a deep thinker, excellent writer ... and the fire in your soul and passion in your heart never fail to inspire me. Always just when I need it. Love you :)
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