Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008
Here is a link of an 8 minute video we watched in my class this morning. It's one of those predator-prey animal documentary clips (which ordinarily I can't sit through) but this really is incredible. I think I might start getting into tree species too, we'll see how that goes. Right now I'm working on recognizing Post Oaks.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I figure I'll make a list of ventures I'd like to accomplish in the next couple months. I'm going to put it here for a few reasons. One, so I can't pretend I never actually made this list. Two, because I think there is something special about being involved in one anther's lives to the point of challenging each other to be who we all know we can be.
Beautiful, Confident, Joyful, Loving, Peaceful, Adventuresome, Spiritual, Faithful, Trusting!
Sometimes we just get to busy, or to lonely, or to stressed, or to lost to stay on track. We should help each other stay on the path. The forest's can be dark and scary, let's not wander out there any more.
Here's what I'd like to do..
1.) Take more pictures (digital and Polaroid)
2.) Go to dance classes
3.) Go camping more than I did last year
4.) Keep my life more organized so I don't get so easily stressed
5.) Recycle
6.) Do laundry and vacuum more regularly
7.) Cook more often
8.) Learn more about the things I find intriguing and awe inspiring
9.) Go see Lillie in Nac (I need to keep my promise)
10.) Save money (I spend what I do make on silly things sometimes)
11.) PRAY MORE and therefore listen more.
Of course, this is by no means a complete list, just some of what I think about most.
I hope everyone is in the process of completing their list also. If you want any encouragement, let me know if I can help.
Keep walking fellow hikers.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I've tried to learn about Love, Integrity, Respect, Joy; and by the end of MY lesson plans I'm left with only a frustrated self, that is trudging through the muck.
I have been given work boots though,
and tools I can use to pull myself along. Every
once in awhile He even gives me something
more than perseverance,
He gives me Hope.
Monday, August 25, 2008

Please, leave a comment of something that makes you smile.
We should really all start sharing smiles more often, I think maybe it could change the world.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Here I am though, alive and well!
First off, I'd just like to say, that this place has been extremely challenging for me spiritually but I'm starting to feel live I'm coming out on the other side. I was (and still am) wading through some pretty heavy muck but I'm beginning to sense that even though I feel like I'm not getting any clear answers, at least I'm not alone.
I've been reading The Shack (thanks Emily) and it's has been challenging and freeing all at the same time!
Apart from my spiritual journey, which I feel has finally, truly began..I have been doing great in all other areas. I haven't gotten sick which I'm so thankful for and I still have everything I need. (Thanks mom for helping me be so prepared!)
This morning we spent a couple hours learning and practicing traditional cloth stamping and this afternoon was spent drumming and singing. The rhythms here are completely different from those I've grown accustomed to hearing so sometimes its difficult. When I finally get into the groove though its fascinating!
I'm really looking forward to this upcoming weekend. We will be going on a hike through the jungle in Cape Coast! I'll be sure to let you know how that goes.
I'm running low on minutes on the computer so I better run. Again thank you for all your support!
Also, leave comments because I love hearing from home when I get a chance to come to the internet cafe.
I hope all your lives are going well!
- Listen. Love. -
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I'm not going to lie; in so many ways we are two completely different people. Despite our differences and all the challenges life has thrown at us, we have only grown together. I now consider her one of my Best Friends.
Whether I was crying in my closet, sharing the biggest secret of my life, or sitting next to her on the beaches of Cozumel, she has listened to me, supported me, encouraged me, pushed me, and above all.. she has truly loved me.
Thank You Mom,
I Love You.
Monday, April 7, 2008

This whole blog thing is such a double edged sword. I despise that it'll only further submerge me in the cyber world but the truth is, I love photographs and I love staying connected to all the beautiful people I know
Amanda, who have shown me the joy of modern technology. I absolutely love your video blogs, even though they only make me long to spend good 'ole fashion time in your presence. (Oh, and let us not forget NetFlix!)
(Also, a side note to Jeremy.. Even though you long for me to remove myself from the computer, you continue to support me in all my endeavours. This is the beauty of 'us' and only part of why I love you. Thank You, truly.)
Thus, the beginning of my 'internet diary'.
My main desire is to use this as an exhibit for photography, a forum for discussion, and just simply a place to release a little creative tension. The photograph you see here, sadly, was not taken by me although by the end of the summer I hope to have rolls of my own.
This is the Kroo Bay slum. It is located just outside Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone. There will by many more posts on this particular subject due to the fact that this little corner of the world has grabbed on to my heart. In August of this year, Jeremy and I will be traveling there with our good friend Lindsey Bengfort in order to become more established with the people and shoot a documentary (that'll be Jeremy's job). Our desire is to start a non-profit organization, The Kroo Bay Initiative, in order to raise the funds to build and run a school there.
This is one of the biggest on-takings of my life and I'm just so excited. If anyone is interesting in becoming apart of this initiative, please, contact me. There is always a role for you. As I said before, there will be more posts to come as this journey unfolds.
Thanks to anyone who told me to never give up. It's true, dreams really can come true.
Listen. Love.