Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A few days ago I got the opportunity to work in the bakery. A group of us spent the afternoon experimenting with a few different blueberry jam recipes. The first one we made was considered 'low sugar' and the second was 'no sugar'. (We made the second with grape juice instead) The taste of the first batch came out a bit closer to what we were looking for.
Although, if we used apple juice instead of grape juice, I have the feeling it would turn out just right.
We'll have to see how that little experiment goes next week.
It's been such a wonderful experience eating so much fresh food. We have recently been working in the blueberry orchard getting everything ready for spring time. The combination of working with the blueberry plants, AND making yummy jam from last years harvest was one worth having. Can't wait to see those little berries start to grow!

Adam, Brandon, and Mary looking over the instructions before we get started.

Frozen blueberries from last years harvest.

Mary; smashing the blueberries before we start cooking.

Finished jam being sealed for cooling and storage.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Just a little recap:

Here is a photo from the first few weeks I was here when Norris and Craig let me shake the pecan tree. This is the machine that is used during harvest season. The long arm extents out towards the tree and grabs the main part of the trunk. Then it makes really small, quick shakes and all the pecans come falling down. It was a really fun experience

This is just a photo of a house in
Americus that I found interesting. This was taken with morning sun which I think is just super pretty.

Here are two of the male cows. The one on the left is a Brahman and is the breeding male. His breed is from India so they are naturally very heat tolerant. This is why
Koinonia chose him so that the cows in the future will have a higher tolerance for the hot Georgia summers.

Last night a few of us went camping out along the Peace Trail. I pulled my camera out to take some pictures but the battery was dead. I was a bit disappointed but there is always next time. Here is a photo of where we stayed that I took a few weeks ago. This is the meditation gazebo with a fire pit just to the right of it.

We took the tracker with a trailer hooked to the back with all the tents, sleeping bags, firewood, food, and water we needed. It was a nice little ride out there and Ida was super cute sitting in the back with all the blankets and pillows. We had a lovely evening of yummy Koinonia raised pork and smo'res. We had three drums that got a lot of use (including mine!). I really enjoyed that time. I've been waiting for an opportunity to play with some other people and I couldn't have asked for a better setting. Some people left once it got late but Brendan, Ida, Brandon, Mary, Nashua and I stuck around. It got pretty cold but we survived and definitely appreciated the warm fire in the morning.
It was a great Saturday evening and I can't wait to do it again once it warms up a bit more.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It was sunny outside recently so I took the opportunity to take some pictures.

Turnips. After Emily and I picked a whole wheel-barrow full of these we had to trim them up before they were ready to go into the kitchen. We cut off the roots to avoid bringing in a ton of dirt and cut off the leaves to use for cooking. Once we got everything trimmed up I realized how beautiful the colors were. The combination of green and purple is one of my favorites already but when found in nature I find it incredible.

There are so many lambs being born! There was even one born ON my birthday. The sheep have come to be my favorite animals here on the farm. They are used as natural lawnmowers quite a bit so I have really enjoyed learning how to move them (and the fence). It's such an awesome sight when you let them out into their new feeding area and there is just so much yummy grass waiting for them.

This was taken right after my short nap with Little Bear in the warm sunshine. I was helping Nashua build a structure outside one of the greenhouses to provide a shaded area for small trees until they get strong enough to be safely planted around the farm. We also hung a swing which has been nice to have.


The bamboo was a great idea for the top. Nice addition of color! Was glad to have been able to help him on the project. I'm learning so much here and its really been great.

I've really been enjoying all the time I'm able to spend outside. It's so life-giving.