This whole blog thing is such a double edged sword. I despise that it'll only further submerge me in the cyber world but the truth is, I love photographs and I love staying connected to all the beautiful people I know
Amanda, who have shown me the joy of modern technology. I absolutely love your video blogs, even though they only make me long to spend good 'ole fashion time in your presence. (Oh, and let us not forget NetFlix!)
(Also, a side note to Jeremy.. Even though you long for me to remove myself from the computer, you continue to support me in all my endeavours. This is the beauty of 'us' and only part of why I love you. Thank You, truly.)
Thus, the beginning of my 'internet diary'.
My main desire is to use this as an exhibit for photography, a forum for discussion, and just simply a place to release a little creative tension. The photograph you see here, sadly, was not taken by me although by the end of the summer I hope to have rolls of my own.
This is the Kroo Bay slum. It is located just outside Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone. There will by many more posts on this particular subject due to the fact that this little corner of the world has grabbed on to my heart. In August of this year, Jeremy and I will be traveling there with our good friend Lindsey Bengfort in order to become more established with the people and shoot a documentary (that'll be Jeremy's job). Our desire is to start a non-profit organization, The Kroo Bay Initiative, in order to raise the funds to build and run a school there.
This is one of the biggest on-takings of my life and I'm just so excited. If anyone is interesting in becoming apart of this initiative, please, contact me. There is always a role for you. As I said before, there will be more posts to come as this journey unfolds.
Thanks to anyone who told me to never give up. It's true, dreams really can come true.
Listen. Love.